Things are going pretty well for the Watson household. I started a new job (same employer, new position) on August 1st and Tom started a new job (entirely new employer) in September. We are (happily) adjusting to our promotions. The downside of the changes are that Tom is working farther away from the house, and I've become salaried, so Emmy is spending a little more time at daycare, which leaves me with a lot of guilt.
I'm pretty sure at some point, one of the *very helpful* articles distributed by one of the daycares that I was, at some point in the process, investigating, said that children who spend more than (I can't remember the actual number, but I think it was ten) hours in a daycare setting have trouble with bonding, or behavior or something that was absolutely terrifying at the time. So, we're right at the ten hour threshold, and I am experiencing a lot of guilt.
*(The asterisks indicate my sarcasm)
That being said, it's really nice to suddenly find ourselves with leftover money in the monthly budget, and by the way, I'm really proud of us, however much that sounds like personal horn tooting.
I also just completed a 5k in a personal best time (we don't need to talk about what that time actually was, just that it was my personal best). Tom and I have signed up for a half marathon in November, and even though I'm not up to running it, I'm still proud that I am voluntarily planning to walk/jog/occasionally run 13.1 miles that day. We also both recently did the Warrior Dash, a 5k with obstacles!, a mud pit! and fire!, and that went really well for both of us. I don't mind saying that my time for that was 59 minutes, which sounds terrible for a 5k, but seems pretty good considering all the obstacles included in the 5k.
I have also decided to participate in NaNoWriMo again this year. As a reminder, NaNo is a personal pledge to write a 50,000 word novel during the month of November. I got to around 35,000 words last year before illness and Thanksgiving overcame my intentions. If I achieve my goal and complete my novel, my reward to myself is a pair of boots at Land's End I've been eyeing. (I don't know how to spell eyeing and the spell check says it is wrong. Eye-ing? Eying? Neither of those look right).
I will be offering to host Thanksgiving dinner again this year, so I have that menu to plan and prepare and after that, I have Emmy's second birthday party to plan. Then there's Christmas, which isn't a big deal, right?
And that's my rough plan for the rest of the year.
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