Emmy has several phrases she's using right now.
"That's a promise." (We have no idea what this means to her, but she said it to us about 15 times last night, while "helping" Daddy clean up the kitchen.-- which basically entailed running back and forth with her toy vacuum).
"That's my body." This is said any time someone touches her when she doesn't want them to. It's mainly said when we're talking about school.
For example:
"Emmy, did you play with William today?"
"No, William." (she says, while pointing her finger) (William is pronounced Wih-yum)
"Did you tell William no?"
She'll nod and say, "That's my body, William."
She also uses this one if Tom or I are bothering her, especially if she doesn't want to be tickled anymore.
Another phrase is: "Go Timeout." This one, obviously, is when someone does something she doesn't like. She'll often recount transgressions at daycare, telling us "'Riah, Go timeout."
Emmy often blames her boo boos on other kids at school. Those conversations go like this:
"Emmy, did you get a boo boo?"
She'll nod and say, "William." (with a distinctive whine)
"William gave you the boo boo?"
She'll nod with a pouty face and repeat, "William."
If Mommy or Daddy upset her, she'll tell us to go to timeout too. "You go timeout, mama!" This is generally after taking a toy or book away, and it's generally followed by a meltdown shortly afterward.
And the last one I can remember at the moment is, "I can't fly."
Emmy loves to watch planes fly overhead. When she first started pointing them out, she would say, "Look, Mama! Plane!" We would watch it for a moment and then she would tell me, shaking her head, sadly, "I can't fly, mama." She would occasionally even try to jump up to show me. "I can't fly."
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