Thursday, December 6, 2012

Brief Emmy Updates (It ended up not being very brief)

Emmy is so adorable right now!  Every single day, I think to myself, she can't possibly top this level of cute.  But then she does. 

And then she throws a fit and sobs for 20 minutes.  Because we can't watch another episode of Mickey's Clubhouse.  So it balances out.

Emmy is very excited about our plans to buy our Christmas tree and decorate this weekend.  Last night I told her we would be decorating, and Emmy said, "What we going to dec-or-ate, mama?"  I suppose she'd never heard the word decorate before, so she spoke very slowly and deliberately to get it out correctly.  I was so amused, I couldn't even answer her because I was grinning and trying to contain my laughter.

I told her we would get a Christmas tree and she said, "With lights?"

We tried to go see Santa two weeks ago.  It was an unmitigated disaster.  She refused to sit on Santa's lap, and when we finally decided to just have her stand beside him, the store made the decision to dump the photos before I could decide if any of them were usable.  I complained to the store manager, who essentially told me that it wasn't feasible to allow parents to review all the photos and pick the best one.  So, instead the 17 year old who is running the camera "decides" which is the best/most saleable photo.  Which means that the photo they chose for us was the first of 5 shots.  Rage doesn't even begin to describe my feelings.  I was so mad, I was shaking.  I was shaking so hard I wasn't sure I could say, "I'd like to speak to a manager," clearly. 

Sigh.  We won't be going back to that store.  Even if they do have the best looking Santa.

I decided that we won't be going to see Santa again until either a) Emmy actually wants to go see him or b) one of the grandmas decides to take the task on herself.  It's just not worth the hassle and rage.  Emmy doesn't get anything out of it, because she's just scared of this weird man in red.  And Tom and I just get to exercise our anger management.  A skill that neither of us is particularly good at when shopping malls are involved.  My rage meter tends to max out MUCH more quickly in a mall than in any other location.  Except the DMV.  And my polling place.  Oh, nevermind, my rage meter maxes out a lot.

Emmy has also gotten interested in cooking and baking.  She loves to help cook.  She's made cookies with both grandmas, and she helps me make dinner fairly often.  We also made a "pumpkin pie" for Thanksgiving.  She likes to stir, pour things into the mixing bowl, and she loves to crack the eggs.  Her egg cracking is a little, ahem, inelegant at the moment, but she'll improve.

I also want to mention her vocabulary and speaking.  It seems to have happened overnight, but my little girl is now speaking in full complex sentences.  It's an amazing transformation.  She uses the word because.  Correctly.  Most of her sentences have a comma in them.  There are still times when I have no idea what she's talking about, but for the most part, her communication has just taken off and she talks non-stop.  I don't even think I could count all the words in her vocabulary at this point.

For Christmas, she's asking Santa for a jack in the box, a dollhouse, and (according to the letter she "wrote" at school) for "Grandma to see Santa."

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