Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April Updates

April has been a good month so far.

This was Emmy's first month in her new classroom, she moved up to the toddler room.  She seems to be loving it.  This new room brought a lot of changes.  Emmy's day now has more of a schedule, she eats lunch (finger foods) in a group setting, instead of individually.  She also gets to go out on the playground now, which is great, because she loves her outside time.

Her vocabulary now consists of the following words:
Mama (that one took quite a bit longer than Dada)
please (peas)
No (her favorite at the moment)

We're working hard on yes.  We've got her to nod when we ask her yes/no questions, and she repeats yes when I say it.  Previously, no matter what you asked, the answer was no with a head shake.  Which was very cute, but misleading. 
"Emmy, do you want a bath?" No.
"Emmy, do you want a cookie?" No.
"Emmy, do you like to go outside?" No.

Now, generally, if you ask her if she wants something she'll say yes or no appropriately.  Patricia has been babysitting a few times and I always call her Aunt Patty, and Emmy will softly say "Pat-Pat," which amuses me to no end (especially since the first time my sister heard it, she groaned).

I found the Wizard of Oz playing on TBS on Sunday night and Emmy was enraptured.  Normally, she "watches" TV by paying attention for two minutes then resuming her usual playing with toys.  But this time, she sat still and quietly watched.  And after a long day of baby-wrangling, right before heading upstairs for her bedtime, it was a welcome break for Tom and me.  We will be buying that movie.  Soon.

On more adult fronts, Tom and I are doing well.  Tom is over his "flu" (his second flu diagnosis since getting the flu shot for the first time in years, which he won't let me forget). 

We're considering participating in a CSA this year (community supported agriculture, which is buying part of a farmer's crop to be delivered throughout the season).  I've picked my farm, my share size (half share), and my pick-up location.  But I haven't yet gotten Tom to sign off.  I think it's a good deal, but it's painful to pay for 5-6 months worth of veggies up front instead of the piecemeal way you do it at the grocery store/farmer's market.  However, it's important to me that Emmy have veggies every day, and I want to boost the variety. 

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